Tuesday, March 20, 2001


Oh lookie! My first header! Does that sound bad?

Yes, yes it does.

Well, I just spoke to "the Judy" and I'm heading out to bumble-fu... oh, um, pardon me. McHenry. I shouldn't refer to Jer as "the Judy," a) because I know he hates it (what man would want Judy for a last name?) and b)I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't like to be called "the Chrzanowski." I try to avoid my last name at all costs. For christs sake- look at it. There are only three vowels out of 11 stinkin' letters.

Anyway, I hate the drive, but I love hanging out with Jeremy. He's a complete goof (but so, so awesome- did I make you blush?) - Does "Bust a Move" sound familiar? Ahhh, it was a warm summer day in Brookfield. A karaoke contest. There were two men, only unstoppable by a wanna-be Backdoor Boy. Who else can do the caterpillar and get away with it?

I have 30 minutes of work left and it feels like TORTURE!!!!!! There are only three of us here at the moment: Tim (my bosses son) is in his office "studying" and Barb, who I think is the only real worker in this office is well, working. I am blogging. I just started today and I am already addicted.

Hmmm? I wonder who I can get to tape that Madonna video tonight. Guy Richie directed it, and the violence content is supposed to keep it off the air- except for a showing tonight on VH1 and MTV at 10:30 Chicago time. God, I remember when I had cable. I moved into my new place, hooked up the TV and there it was. Then it was taken away. That's probably a good thing. I watched way too much Behind the Music. You know it's bad when you look at the clock and realize that you just waisted 3 hours watching specials on the Go-Gos, The Bangels and Rick Springfield. I wish that I was Jessie's Girl.

Almost time to go. Until tomorrow...


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