Monday, April 30, 2001


Who has a crush on me? Fess up.

Anyway, what a wonderful weekend! Didn’t the weather rock? I spent way too much time being a chauffeur this weekend, as always. I had to drive mom all over “god’s green earth” (as she likes to say) plus, all my car-less friends. Pat dear, as a note to you, please get your flat tire fixed. Remember when we used to spilt where we’d drive? Like Friday night, I’d drive and then Saturday, you would? Now it’s all Jen, all the time. And what about gas prices? What is up with that? Do I sound like Jerry Seinfeld here?

This coming weekend seems like a fairly big deal for both Becky and I: She moves and I finally have my graduation ceremony, even though I’ve been out of school since December of 2000. Still, this is the official end, so I’m going to do it.

This weekend, on Friday, actually, I saw the 10th anniversary Sidekick Kato show. Now, you may be wondering why I went. My first blog ever (ok, maybe the third ever) I discussed how much they sucked when I went to see them at the Double Door. Pat likes them (although he agrees they sucked at the DD), and has this faith in them that they will somehow be miraculously better then last time. Well, I will tell you that the Hertzsprung Gap kicked my ass. They are so good. As for Kato…. Their 10th Anniversary Video was very good, really entertaining and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again. As for them live, the old songs are pretty cool, but the new stuff still sucks and I think they still suck live. SO THERE.

Saturday night, Drea, one of Pat’s old roommates, had a gathering, which turned out to be a great time. After the place cleared out, and there were only 6 or 7 of us left, we put on the Immaculate Collection. Eugene officially goes on my A+ list, because as he said, he is “100% heterosexual, likes Madonna and not ashamed to admit it.” He sang along with me from Borderline all the way to Crazy for You. Then we put on Al Green and the rest is history.


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