Friday, August 10, 2007


For those that are curious, the walking cartoon below is supposed to be me as a Simpsons character walking through a carnival. Good times.

I have not had a chance to sit by my computer and actually do anything "me" related as opposed to work related. Matt's friends from Virus! . . . Attack are in town, and half of my apartment feels like a frat house. They also love to just sit and click around on the computer, so I haven't been spending any time there. For the most part, I've been hanging out in my bedroom just to get some alone time.

Last Sunday we went to the X-games, which were awesome, minus the strange sun tan I have on my face due to my sunglasses. I have pictures which -as you probably already know - I will post.

Tonight I am off to the OC to see a friend of mine perform. You'll hear more from me when the party leaves the casa!


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