Friday, August 03, 2001

I can see the outside world!!!

The transition to my new solo-office is complete. I can now look out the window at all times, as I am 3 feet from it. I can also listen to music through speakers rather than headphones, which is nice. I even have wrist rests for my keyboard and mouse so i won't get carpal-tunnel syndrome, or however you spell the damn thing.

the tv station should also include 'parker lewis can't lose' and 'get a life' starring chris elliot. and hell's yeah it should have gilligan's island. but only the episode's before the harlem globe-trotters came. it was all downhill after that.

jenn, you're more than welcome to join us for beer's at riese's bierstube. it's on irving, just down the street from the el stop. come on. you know you wanna go.



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