Wednesday, March 21, 2001


Jenny McJen in.


I am so exhausted right now. You know it’s bad when you are reading “important work documents” (aka new Chicago magazine that comes to the office) and your eyes barely stay open and you do that weird spasm/head bob thing. I stayed up too late talking to the BF on the phone when I got home from the Judy’s. At approx. 2 am, I tried to get him to just come over, but that proved fruitless. So, I got off the phone at 2:30 and managed to fall asleep by maybe 2:45ish. Woke up late, got to work late and will probably leave late (actually, I’ll still probably leave at 5, but whose counting)

Ok, now I must bitch about our coffeepot. Last week, it broke. There are many people here who are very dependent upon it for their morning hit of coffee. So, I understand the need for action and quick replacement. Anyway, the stupid thing cost $70. I say, “Only $70? Let’s get a new one!” Not so. I have been searching endlessly for a receipt to prove that it is under a year old. If it is, we can get it repaired free. I will give Krupps my first born if it is under a year old. That is how much I can guarantee that it is not. So, I tell the boss that there is no hope and recommend a good old Mr. Coffee as a replacement (I found one in the Office Depot catalog for $50.) I guess my recommendation was not what he wanted to hear, because I spent a good hour of my morning looking at other records for proof of it’s age and calling repair service centers to see how much it would cost to fix. This business makes enough money to fork out 50 stinkin’ dollars to buy a new coffeepot. Do not even get me started on our forever-paper-jamming fax machine…

Yes folks, this is my job.

Argh again.


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