Has anyone tried snood yet? I cannot stop playing it. As Barb said, there are worse things to be addicted to. Do not download the game unless you have your own office*, or you are at home. I have to sneak in games here at work, because my desk is free standing- no walls, nothing. When Bill comes back, I know I'll go through withdrawal. I’d put it on my computer at home, but it’s a complete pos** and the game probably wouldn’t run as smoothly.
Little bendy man is in half moon pose in honor of yoga tonight. I’m thinking I’ll have to change his asana tomorrow because he keeps falling down. Speaking of yoga, it will be hot in there tonight! I wonder if the two pregnant ladies will be in. If I had to carry all that extra weight in this heat, I’d be at home, in front of the a/c vent.
I ran into Typhoid Mary*** in the ladies room. AND again, she did not wash her hands. How freakin’ hard is it to go to the crazy soap dispenser, get soap all over your clothes**** and wash your god forsaken hands!!!! I don’t even want to touch the door handle after she leaves. It’s just gross. WASH YOUR HANDS!!!! Didn’t her mom teach her anything?
Actually, Typhoid Mary has all sorts of stuff going on in this office area. Our little office shares a floor with this investment firm next door. She works for them.***** Anyway, Barb ran into her and some older investment broker in the hallway, and he had his hand on her butt. They scattered as soon as they saw Barb. Gossip, gossip, gossip!
*Whatevs, Greg.
**Piece of shit
***Notice the amount of Mary’s blogged about. Actually, we don’t know if Mary is her real name, but Barb calls her that.
****Refer to blog of yesterday, where the stupid dispenser got soap on my arm.
*****Good thing!
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