Tastes like . . . burning.*
That spicy chicken is HOT!**
This BBQ gets more complicated by the minute. All I want is to have some music in my backyard. Why is this so hard? Chris, who tends to make things complicated, wanted to get tons of speaker wire, bring my big speakers outside and have my main stereo system running inside.*** All I want is music while I’m grilling.**** Although, I will say, Chris is definitely crafty.*****
This day has been really relaxing - no Bill. And because there is no Bill, we can have Mission 2, where Gant and Greg make their way over by me. Mission 3 is by Gant’s work, and who knows how that is going to work out for me.
I try not to advertise for certain events that happen on the same night as an event that I happen to be throwing/hosting, but check out the goings on at the MCA for Summer Solstice. There are some cool things happening.
I also have info of a BBQ thingy that is going on Saturday afternoon, but MSN won’t let me into my hotmail so that I can get the information and post it. So, I guess you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that info.
Look how long my notes are? They are almost bigger than the blog itself.******
*Best quote ever.
**None of that ”Swicy” bullshit that you see on TV.
***I live on the second floor. Who wants to keep on running back up to change music? Certainly not I.
****Actually while Pat or someone else is grilling. I tend to kill food. Yes, I know, food is already dead, in a certain sense of the word, but on most occasions, I can make it completely uneatable.
***** Not in the bad sense of the word, but actually very clever. I should have said clever, but with Chris, things go over better if there is some sort of music reference, where as “crafty” could be taken from the Beastie Boys, “She’s Crafty.” Why am I rambling like this?
******Note to self: When content of footnotes are more interesting than blog, you know you’re in trouble.~^
~Don’t ask me why you’d be in trouble, you just would be.
^When you have footnotes of other footnote's footnotes, then you are really in trouble.
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