Thursday, August 16, 2001


It’s already after noon and no one is posting.

I’m guessing, if my fellow bloggers are anything like me, that they don’t have much to talk about. Of course, I start off saying that I have nothing to say and end up with a full page blog.

Last night I had the pleasure of rearranging my living room, which I have been wanting to do for sometime. There was just way too much furniture in there and it wasn’t functional. Although this may comment on society today, or maybe on just what I think of as functional, but what is the point of a chair, especially a nice cozy one, if it doesn’t face the TV? We had this chair stuck on the side of the TV. Now, although this may be good for conversation, no one ever uses it. Why? Because you can’t see the TV from it. Instead, you have to crowd on the couch or sit on the floor. That is not functional.

That took up a large portion of my night. Then Pat came over. Old Nintendo still rules in my book.

Bill is gone for the rest of the day today and all of tomorrow. Usually he is out of town during the air and water show, which is this weekend. The office gets to take advantage of his office, which faces the beautiful Lake Michigan, to watch the planes practice.

We aren’t that high in the sky, well, I guess 65 is pretty high, but we are covered in clouds. It’s just a white foggy mess out there, and I’m missing everything. Then again, maybe I’m not.

This weekend I have to go to my cousin and his fiancée’s wedding shower. I totally like my cousin. He’s a pretty cool guy from what I know of him. And then, he brings her home. She’s so . . . Barbara Bush. And so not like him. She has the old ladies dress from Sears, the string of pearls around her neck and she acts likes she 40 when she’s only 23. Basically, we don’t get along.

This sucks for many reasons. I don’t know how many of you have been to a wedding shower, but if you are male and reading this, most likely you have not gone to one. Sometimes they can be fun (AKA- my sister’s wedding shower) or suck hardcore. It depends on the food, the relatives and of course, entertainment. What I mean by entertainment is that sometimes, they make you play games. Stupid, freakin’ wedding games. For instance, for this shower, I have to bring a recipe, and then, we are trading them. Seriously. Can someone shoot me now? And if Barbara’s family is anything like her, I’m sure I’m up for a million laughs on Saturday.

All this talk has made me hungry.


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