Monday, August 13, 2001


I’m not going to post love stories anymore.

I need one more day for my weekend. I missed most of Sunday because I was up way too late- late meaning, past when the bird start to chirp, past the sun rising, past when I get up for work. So, I slept through a beautiful day and when I got home last night, I was wired.

Spotted: gray hair #2. I found it about 10 minutes ago. I stopped everything to pull it out. I don’t want it to give its hair friends crazy ideas that gray is the cool color to be. Everyone in the office tried to talk me into believing it was blonde, but I know better. Only gray hair shines like that.

I was going to dye my hair on Friday before I went out, but decided against it. I was getting used to this hair. Well , not any freakin’ more! This makes me think about the b-day. I know I’m only 22. . .

Birthday Countdown: 11 days.

Nothing on my Friday wish list came true. BOO!

It looks like you guys had a fun time in St. Louis. I love it there, I mean, I wouldn’t live there or anything, but visiting is cool. I have some awesome photos that I took in the arch. If only I could post those. HINT, HINT! Anyway, next time you guys go, I am so in.