Wednesday, August 15, 2001


Hey all.

I can’t write loads today because Bill is in the office all day long, which doesn’t really happen all that often. We, meaning the office of five that I work in, are taking Bill out for his birthday. I have little to no money, especially for these lunching adventures, but I am excited for an office outing. That means 2 hours off of work, and it’s OK with Bill.

Besides that, I shouldn’t have gone out after yoga last night, but Gant talked me into it. Do not get the Irish crème* pie at the Pick-me up Café. It is not all that good and definitely not worth $3.50.

Also, I am signed up for Zach’s fantasy football league and well, I know nothing about football. I am willing to give it a try. Now, I don’t know if Greg signed up for this or not, because I’d really like to kick his ass. (Yes this is a threat and yes, I’m hoping this will make you blog.)

Bring it on, bitch.

*I did not put an accent on this word. MS Word does it for you. Personally, I think only good pies with the word crème should have the accent, not dry, kind of tasteless pies.