My friend Darrell asked me to write him a recommendation letter to help him get into the Air Force Officer’s Program. I’m completely stumped as to what to say. D is an awesome guy. I met him in sculpture class at UIC during my first year there. I was only 18 and D was 26. He was apart of a weird group of people I hung out with at that time; weird in the sense that we only really hung out on school nights and everyone was older than me.
Being so young had its ups and downs . . . At lunch, we would all go to the Jack’s Tap on Jackson and Peoria, and he would buy me beers. We all come into class buzzed. Sometimes, we would go out and I would have to be the designated driver because they carded me at the places we would go. Try carting around a car full of drunk mid-twenty somethings when you are 18. Part of you feels especially cool for hanging with the older crowd, the other half is pissed off that you have to be the mother-figure and make sure that everyone gets home safely.
Anyway, I can’t write this to the Air Force!
Dear Air Force:
Darrell is the perfect candidate for your program! He buys underage girls beers! What more can you ask for!
He does have so many more terrific qualities, like he’s a great listener, he’s sweet, funny as hell and extremely intelligent. Somehow, I keep focusing on the beer part.
D and I are still friends, although our time together has nearly disappeared. Come to think of it, since I turned 21, we haven’t been out for a drink. Ok, well maybe once or twice. Normally, we just go to eat. Hmm…
23rd Birthday countdown: 8 days.
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