Thursday, August 09, 2001

shady business

i was there for the illegal cable hook-up. very shady. very shady indeed. but i got to watch the braves lose to the astros in 11, damn astros, and a little bit of reverb on hbo. rock.

on an unrelated story, on tuesday i helped my friend change the brake pads on his car. everything was going swimmingly until we broke on of the bolts that holds the caliper on the frame. 4 hours later, we had successfully drilled the bolt out without damaging the threads, found a new bolt and inserted it, changed the pads and mounted the tires. unfortunately we broke one of the lug bolts that holds the tire on as well. i tightened down the other three and flipped the bolt on the broken one and tightened it as much as possible so that should hold it for a while. what a nightmare. however, his brakes work excellently. as long as the tire doesn't fall off.

i am very happy about the uncancellation of the cancelled show. very weird though.


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