Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
Okay, is this week over yet? my car is now fixed ($125 later) boo! turns out it was from when I hit a car last year, dented my hood and ruined some wires that included a sensor for the car alarm. but you see, it wasn't my fault! the guy pulled out right in front of me! and then he drove away even though he had a dent in his car too!! (he knew he was guilty!). Lesson learned: be careful at the Kimball/Belmont exit off 90/94 cause it sucks!
sorry about that. today Greg is continuing his education and gets to be part of a real highschool classroom at Lane Tech High School on Chicago's north side. show those kids a thing or two greg!
Last night as I was driving home I found an urge to listen to cheesy love songs and I soon was listening to delilah on lite fm. now that was sad.
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