Monday, September 10, 2001


Excellent choice for song 115. So, when are we going to make Fugazi Band/Artist of the Month? Time to make a decision. . .

You know what sucks? Trying to find a pair of shoes that you really like. You know what sucks even more? Finding the shoes you really like and THEN finding out that they don’t have them in your size. My feet are a normal size! Not gargantuan! At least Beck was successful.

The weekend was very good, especially with Built to Spill on Friday. They are incredible live. Please try and see them. Here are some highlights:

1) They opened with Time Trap. It’s an excellent opener. Plus I was so excited to hear two of my favorite BTS songs- Else and Car.
2) Doug Martsch sounds EXACTLY like he does on the albums. Incredible. But, if you don’t know what he looks like, you will be surprised when you see him. Mental picture of Doug Martsch not=to actual Doug Martsch.
3) Three covers. First cover- Zen Police by Cheap Trick. Second cover- a song by George Harrison, although the name of the song is not coming to mind. Third cover and last song- 10 minute version of Free Bird. Seriously. And let ME tell you. It rocked.

So there you have it.

I was made fun of by Pat because I kept telling him to remind me things about the show. Why? So that I could blog about it. I know, look for the L tattooed to my head. I try to hide it under my hair.


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