Greg should get an Oscar for Best Supporting actor. Ok, maybe Best Cameo Role. Wait, is a cameo more for someone famous? Ok, Best 10 Second Appearance on Film.
I saw a little independent* film called Lead yesterday. A bunch of Greg’s friends plus a joint friend of ours (Go Brian!) put together a short one hour movie with the catch phrase of “four dorks and a duke.” Besides being extremely clever and funny, it’s put together really well. I wish that more people could see it.
Greg appearance is hilarious, and I’m not sure if it’s because we are friends or if it’s just really funny. Kidding. I believe that someone is going to the Sizzler . . .
It looks like the weekend will be action packed as usual. Tonight, Pat and I are going to see Built to Spill at the Metro! Very, very exciting. Tomorrow, Nathan, one of the friends who moved to California, is back for his brother's wedding. So, we are meeting up Saturday afternoonish. Then Beck, Greg and I are off to Brian’s going away party. Sunday, there are hopes of a Rockstar Wedding reception. I wonder if we can go?
I’m also hoping to get some relaxation time in to finally shake this thing I have. I’m so sick of being sick. It’s just so uncool.
Oh yeah! We need a Band/Artist of the Month for August. Guys? Any ideas?
Back later.
*I hate to use the word independent, not only for the connotations that come with the word, but also because it’s not like it’s out on some sort of independent market. Damn! I used the word again!
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