Thursday, December 06, 2001


It’s getting late and now I want to be alone.

That’s how I’ve felt almost every night this week before bed. My brain is busy with thought, my body tired from work.

I am pooped. My critique went well today, as it should because I’ve only been working on this damn project all semester and been going at it hardcore all week. I was at the lab late last night, and when I got home Pat called and wanted to go out and celebrate him finally finishing finals for this semester. My response was that I’d meet him at the bar at 12 0r 12:30 (only a half hour after I got home last night). Next thing I know, it’s 2 in the morning and Pat’s calling me to see what’s up. I was out like a light last night.

I had to get to class early today too, so I’m feeling a bit groggy. Otherwise, I’m in a good mood due to the excellent critique and also the free lunch I got from Columbia.

Or, it could be from this beverage I'm drinking. There is nothing that an egg-nog latte can’t cure. And you know how we love the nog.*

Wow. Becky has been holding down the blog all by herself. Good work.

Tonight it looks like I might be subjected to an entire boring set of the Haymarket Assholes at the Empty Bottle. Pat ran into one of them at the bar last night, and he got added to the guest list. I was hoping to get out of it somehow, but I haven’t seen Pat all week and I miss the guy. So, if you have any earplugs you’d like to lend me, I’d be more than happy to use them accordingly.

Actually, good thing though, my friend Eugene’s older brother, is in American Heritage, which I do appreciate. They’ll be playing at the show tonight too. So, if you are a Chicago resident and plan on going to the Bottle, only say you are there for American Heritage or any of the other bands besides Haymarket Riot.** Thank you.

*Roommate, Gant, and I love “the nog.” I don’t like it all the time, obviously, but it’s definitely good around Christmas/Hanukkah (yo, we down with the Hanukkah here) time, and definitely with rum. Yum.
**I have a dislike for them that has gone on for awhile now. To sum it up, I believe that some of the members are assholes and can’t appreciate when someone goes out of the way for them. Also, their music is a Fugazi rip-off.


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