Monday, December 17, 2001


When you sleep, where do your fingers go?*

Finally into blogger!

Ahhh, my winter break has begun. Too bad I have to work here all week. I do have Tuesday off though. I'm planning to go into school and spend some time in the darkroom printing up Christmas presents. They are mostly for my parents - you know, stuff to hang in the new Vegas home. Which reminds me . . . a Very Vegas Christmas starts in less than a week, so you'll probably hear from me a lot due to boredom.

This weekend went by so fast. I swear, it feels like ages ago that I was eating potato pancakes** at Beck's house. Gant and I also put up the Christmas Tree this weekend. Usually, I manage to light up the tree with only five strands of lights. This year, I had to make two separate visits to Walgreens to get more lights for a total of, gulp, 750 lights. I feel like Chevy Chase in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. My tree looks pretty though!

I have the awesome*** job of sending out the office holiday cards this year. Wait! I do it every year! It's just such a painful experience that I block it from my memory. Anyway, we only send out 375, which isn't a lot really, if you think about it. Again, who am I kidding! I don't want to stuff, seal, label and stamp 375 freakin' cards! Ah, that's why I get paid the "big bucks" here.

At least I finished the address list this morning. Hmm. That still leaves me with the above four steps. Damn!

I'm already fearing for the state of my hands after this. Last year, I had approx. 1 paper cut per finger after the holiday card experience. Not again, I tell you.

* A question to ponder.
** Nice job, Greg, for working not one, but two frying pans at once!
*** Note sarcasm.


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