Monday, January 07, 2002



Usually I do a song quote to start off my blog, but I found this statement funny. It was on the tag in my new gloves.

Is it really Monday already? Jeez.

I’ve been dreading this week since I started Grad school. That is, the week when all my projects are finally due. There are a couple nice things about being an art student.

1) There is usually one really big project due at the end of the semester, unless you are in first year classes, where there are smaller projects due (but they are not that complicated).
2) There are usually no papers.
3) Very few books are required.

This semester has followed the above rules fairly nicely. Unfortunately, it’s time to pay up. This week, Thursday, I have my “end of the semester review” in which I will be showing the project that I have been working on all semester.

Next week Tuesday, my one and only paper of Grad School, I’m betting, (besides my thesis!) is due along with a ten minute presentation and Wednesday, my mimic of 19th century photograph project is due.

It’s very scary to have your grade based on one single project, but hey, what am I going to do about it?

This weekend was nice and relaxing, giving me much time to think about the work I have to do this week. Friday, Becky and I watched America’s Sweethearts, which gets an overall “boo” from me. There were some decent parts but not enough to make it good.

Saturday, Pat and I spent most of the day searching for a new futon mattress. His current mattress sucks royally. It has gotten to the point where, to keep the mattress from falling between the bars, he has to keep it open all the time and stick wood under it. Talk about shitty nights of sleep. Anyway, we found one that was nice and affordable, but he couldn’t get it until Wednesday. Due to the dire need to get a new mattress, we drove to Ikea (!) and there, found out the true glory of the futon. They are just so cool there and they fold up so small! The prices aren’t unreasonable, but compared to the first deal, it was a bit much to spend. After all this, we walk away empty handed.

So yeah, that’s about it. I still haven’t seen The Royal Tenebaums, so I guess I’ll try that for next weekend.

We still haven't picked the Band/Artist of the Month, but my vote goes for Fugazi. If I don't hear from Beck and Greg, that's what it's going to be! Later, I'll run down what I think are the top 5 albums for 2001, that is, if I can narrow it down.

Time for Silk Road Spicy Chicken!


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