Monday, July 26, 2004

The Final Countdown: 5 days left in Chicago!

I can't believe how quick this is all moving.  Where the hell did my weekend go?  Ah, yes.  I remember.

Because I am very in to my camera phone and posting images, I will do so again today.

Saturday, I had a yard sale that pretty much flopped.  I made $40.  end of story.


This is my giant palm tree that I had in my living room being transported, via the back of my jeep, to Christie and Mike's place.  In the process of traveling down western, a branch broke off and the thing tipped over.  We, meaning Nathan and I, also received many honks and waves due to this tree for some unknown reason.

During the week, Matt and I went to Millenium Park, just to check it out before we leave.  I actually reallky like the fountains although I've heard many people mention how much they think the fountains sucks or is useless/boring/stupid.  You fill in you favorite word.  I think the fountains are prtty damn cool.

I also like the big jelly bean thing- even though it cost the city way too much and well, really has no purpose.    Matt and I had fun with the reflections though.  This isn't one of my favorite pictures, but I haven't downloaded the rest yet.

Did you know that the design of the great jelly bean is actually supposed to be a cloud?


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