Wednesday, August 04, 2004


"I'll be here awhile. Ain't going nowhere."

I've been listening to them a lot on this trip. It's nice to drive to.

Well, after 4 days of traveling, Matt and I are now staying the day at my parents house in Las Vegas. It's been a crazy trip thus far. In Iowa, we hit a bunch of storms (that I guess hit Chicago sometime after that) that made us stop a bunch of times to fis the matresses strapped to the top of our trailer. At one point, the top matress was almost at a 90 degree angle to the trailer.
We then stopped at a Target parking lot for about two hours as we retied the whole thing back down. There must not be a whole hell of a lot of things to do in Omaha, because a good majority of people that drove past us had to roll down their window and yell something at us. Most things weren't even insulting, just totally obvious facts: "Have fun tying down your matress!" or "you have a lot of work ahead of you with that!" Then they would drive away laughing. Yee haw!

Sometime later on the second day of our trip, I was following behing Matt who was driving the Jeep/trailer combo and noticed something wrong with the tire. The something wrong was the flat that we got, about 60 miles west of Kearney, Nebraska. It was late and we didn't have a spare, so we unhitched the jeep, drove to the nearest town and spent the night. The next day we found the nicest people in Cozad to help us change the flat. Apparently the guy who changed our tire used to be a sniper! cool!

Colorado was fine, a little drizzly. Utah sucked. It rained and hailed almost al day. We had to pull over a bunch of times because we couldn't see the road. If you know anything about I-70, then you know that there are very few, if any towns in Utah until you reach I-15. I was scared that we would get stuck in the mountains and would be a feast for coyotes by midnight.

Josie was a handful on her own. My cat meows a lot. Really. She was a nonstop talker the first day. At least (at first) she would just hop right into her carrier with no problems. She would sleep most of the time, but by day four, she was sick of her carrier and basically tore the inside of her carrier up. Finally, we just let her out in the car with her little leach tied to the roll bar, and then she was fine.

That's pretty much it. I'm tired even though I got a ton of sleep last night. Tomorrow morning we leave for LA. I'll write again when I can which may not be for a few weeks. Becky - I expect you to take over!


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