Monday, March 26, 2001

Greg R:

"He's listing what's left - a signed slayer t-shirt, a car up on blocks in his mother's back yard"

thanks for the props on the new design. I’d like to thank the academy, Madonna - without whom this would not be possible, my cat scotchbrite, ivan hadad and the letter g.

so on Saturday night I lived up to my goal of partying like a rock star. after drinking kegged beer out of an empty bottle of Budweiser at someone's house I’ve never met, I stumbled towards the El and my buddy's apartment. we disembarked at the Addison stop by Wrigley (after I decided it would be cool to drink a little mickey's on the train) and I proceeded to take a header down the stairs, bruising my cheek a little and hobbling me for all of Sunday. it probably didn't help that I ended up sleeping sideways on a chair that night.

I wish I could make it to urbana for the plan show. for some reason all the good shows roll in right after I leave town. I will be down for a show of my own on Friday, but that’s just too late. god damn you fate!! why must you toy with me?!?!

I better do work before I get fired like en.

someone's got a case of the Mondays