Friday, March 23, 2001


It's officially one day to "Rockstar Saturday!" What is "Rockstar Saturday!" you ask? Well, with Tim's permission, I will post the e-mail he sent regarding a certain free drinking fest at Bar Chicago (even though I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother got the e-mail). More later on that.

Last night, I went by Pat's (the BF) and drank beer with Eugene and Pat W.(my Pat's roomate) and watched Iron Eagle. Does anyone remember this extremely 80's movie? Well, the acting is horrible, the fight scenes were done on a $10. budget, but my, is it entertaining! The cheesy 80's soundtrack alone made it for me. Especially the five minute "planning" scene that occurred during all of "We're not gonna take it" by Twisted Sister.

Of course, I couldn't go to bed after that. NO. While my Pat was writing his paper about the movie, Pat W.and I watched the Quick and the Dead. That brings me to the topic of Russell Crowe, who made a less than fine appearence in this film. Anyway, Pat W. has brought it to my attention that terrorists from Equador wanted to kidnap Russell Crowe and hold him hostage for $15 million. Then, if the money wasn't paid, day by day, they would cut off his fingers. First and foremost- why Russell Crowe? Why not Harrison Ford or god, anyone else for that matter? Secondly, does Russell Crowe have a huge following in Equador? Is that why they thought the American public would miss him? I will admit that he was very good in LA Confidential- but what about the worst hockey movie ever made (Mystery, Alaska)? I guess Pat W. also saw a recent Star that had a picture of Russell Crowe on the cover, in Gladiator get-up with the caption, "Come and get me." Please Equador, take him.

I found an article about this. Although I can't find any references to Equador, I haven't given up hope yet!


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