I’m baa-aack!
It has been ages and then some. I’m glad to be back in some ways (BLOG, BLOG, BLOG!) and very unhappy in other ways (WORK).
Russell Crowe update: In my sickened state last week, I was watching on of those daytime “news” programs and I guess Mr. Crowe was caught giving the bird while he was on-site filming some movie with Ron Howard. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch what movie or where this happened because I was barely conscious.
The weekend was fairly productive. I spent a relaxing night in with Pat on Friday night, and I spent most of Saturday and Sunday morning helping him with his video. And, thanks to the time change, I went to bed very, very late. I’m a bit freaked about the video anyway. I’m in it, so right away, that is weird. Secondly, I am the only person in it. Even more strange. I know people in Pat’s video class. So once he edits it and all that, people I know will be watching me. Although this seems like an obvious thing that I probably should of thought of prior to agreeing to being in the video, I did not.
I am very excited about the rock weekend coming up, due to the fact that I missed out on a lot this weekend. I still have no one to go to the Hey Mercedes show with me. Pat’s not a huge fan, really, so I can’t take him. If I’m correct, Becky and Greg are engaged in another affair until later? Hmmmm.
Ok, I’ll blog you later.
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