Friday, May 04, 2001


Countdown: 1 day until graduation! Woo hoo!!!

Saturday is the big day number 1 and Sunday is big day number 2. There is a small graduation ceremony for art students on Saturday night and the all school one is Sunday morning. I am more excited about Saturday’s due to the fact that it’s smaller and more personal. I’d like to tell UIC to take a flying leap for two things though. 1) not letting us walk at the big ceremony. I went to Loyola’s graduation last year (when Bora graduated) and although their school is not quite as large as UIC, they all got to walk. And 2) not having a ceremony in December for people who got out of there in four and a half years rather than five. I’m pretty pissed that my tassel says ’01 on it, because I officially graduated on December 12, 2000- that’s what my diploma says. Bastards.

Tonight is Ken and Pat’s (not my Pat) senior show. It is located at the New Works gallery at the Art and Architecture building at UIC. The reception is from 6:30 to 10. If you are in the city, like photography and want free alcohol, please stop by. I will be there at 7ish and then hopefully meet up with Becky later? Just as a note, I helped Ken with his project.

Last night I found these incredible pair of jeans when I went shopping. They fit well, but I figured they might be a little cooler baggier. Anyway, they didn’t have a size bigger and I’m regretting not buying them. So, I am on the hunt to find them again. I’m calling back the shop and asking them to hold them. You can’t be too safe, especially when it comes to awesome fitting jeans.

Tina won survivor- can you believe it? Didn’t Colby’s head look huge? What’s your take on it?

Oh yeah, Becky- nice pick on the Plan song. I want more votes! E-mail me!!!!


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