Tuesday, May 29, 2001


Oh blogger! How I missed you! Let’s kiss!

What a weekend! Friday: Tequila Roadhouse (free drinks of any kind for an hour!) + Mexican food + a friend that is officially the loudest puker ever = messy couch.

Saturday: Rain = no Plan show

Nevertheless, I did have a great time at Dave and Busters with the fam and Pat. I kicked some booty on the Harley Davidson game. Is this a hint? How does “Jen on a hog” sound?

I want to thank everyone for making it to my party Saturday night at Chris’. Who would have thought that those old 45’s of We’re not gonna take it and the Superbowl Shuffle would come in handy? Guys, you don’t know this, but we (me, Pat, Eugene, Jordan and Pat W.) stayed there until 5. Chris kicked us out. The last thing I remember about the night is curling up into the fetal position on Pat’s couch because it was cold in his apt, and having a quesadilla (wrapped in foil) thrown at me by Eugene, where I then cradled it like a baby. I was not drunk, just tired. The next morning, I went to eat my quesadilla only to find a large bite taken out of it. Yes, it is gross, but I ate it. I came within a ½ inch border of the bite though. No one would fess up to eating it.

The rest of the weekend was relaxing. It consisted of much sleeping, playing cards, watching movies and video games. Pat and I went head to head in battle mode of Mario Cart for Super Nintendo. He won by two games. I was so, so close! We are up for a rematch later this week.

Anyone heard the new Peter Gabriel song? Do you like it? Does anyone care?