What's new pussycat? Whoa whoa whooaaaa.........
Don't you just love Tom Jones? You have to if you are Welsh, its the law. Same thing with Shirley "Big Spender" Bassey.
Yoga last night was good, but I did get in trouble at the end of class. I've decided that I am the class clown of our yoga class and Mary loves to pick on me. Jen, you can tell the story.
Rosa was on a tear last night again around the apartment. Did I tell you that her new favorite toy is a cork? I had to take the cork away from her the other night cause she was batting it against the wall at like 3 am. Do you have no respect for your owner who is trying to sleep? the good part is that I never have to buy her a toy again, I just have to drink a lot of wine.
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