Friday, July 27, 2001


Okay, so I am a little behind on the times and I just read the rolling stone review for the new jimmy eat world album. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be-although I agree with Mark that there was a little overuse of the word "emo."

I do have to bring up some personal issues right now-I wasn't going to mention this on the blog, but its turning up everywhere! I am urging everybody out there that when the want to abbreviate the name of the above mentioned band, please call them jimmy, okay? It's not that I take personal offense, but it just doesn't sit right with me, especially when there are rolling stone reviewers saying that the acronym will make some "kick ass t-shirts."

if this is too personal or you have a problem please let me know. (these are only my feelings, not that of the whole blog)


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