Thursday, July 12, 2001


Woman (eating crappy cereal): Where are you from?
Man (in early 1900’s dress, with barrel of grains): I’m from a time when grains were kept whole.

I swear, no one remembers this commercial. After I read this, I figured that I would bring out this obscure Great Grains cereal commercial that everyone thinks I’m making up. I swear to god it exists!!

The apartment saga continues. I am so sick of talking about it. To make an extremely long argument short, basically, COE upset me so much on the phone yesterday that he made me cry. After he told me that he rented our place to the guy downstairs, instead of the married couple, I just got so mad at him! He said we could have it back if the married couple didn’t want it. So we argued for close to 40 minutes, until I finally broke down. It wasn’t all his fault or anything. I had a stressful day at work, and when I got home, I had an argument with a friend, so COE just broke me. My last sobbing line was: “Fine, I’ll be out on the 31st, but please fix the air because it’s hot in here!” Of course, right afterwards, I call Pat, and I’m just so pissed off and so upset.

While I am on the phone with Pat, Ernie calls back. He tells me that he’s sending someone over to fix the air. Then he asks me about Gant. Then next thing I know he says:

COE: There may be a chance to get your place back. The guy downstairs* hasn’t paid his rent for two months.
Me: You would rather rent our place to a WPODC who hasn’t paid the rent, than Marisa and I who send it to you early every month**?”
COE: If I call your place tomorrow, and leave a message regarding this, you better call me back.
Me: You’re dealing with me now, and I will call you back.

So we may have it, we may not. I almost don’t know if I care anymore, I just want it to end!

No more yelling! Please!

*now called by me, walking piece of donkey crap, or WPODC.
**This is not horse shit. We send out the rent by the 25th every month.


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