Why Crazy Old Ernie Sucks Royal Cock by Me:
You are probably guessing by this title that we did not get our apartment back. Right-o!
Because the story is so long, I’ll summarize. Marisa gets home, and finds COE (Crazy Old Ernie) waiting outside to show the place to the wife of the guy who came in the morning. Marisa tries to talk him into letting us keep the place one more time. Once again, COE says what good tenants we are etc, and then asks about the new roommate that would be moving in.
Marisa: Jen’s friend, Gant.
COE: I’m not running a brothel.
Marisa: Excuse me!?
COE: This isn’t a whorehouse.
Um, that pretty much turned us away, you know, us whores.
Anyway, the air conditioning wasn’t working last night for some reason, and I was pissed about that, so, I call COE and tell him, we need to know if we have the place back or not. If not, fine, but he has to come and fix the air.
7:30 am, the phone rings:
After introductions and a discussion about the air conditioning, he says:
COE: I’m renting your apartment to someone else.
Me: (very cooly) OK.
COE: You girls never give me a straight answer! I called you and no one called me back . . .
Me: Ernie, we’ve been over this three million times. I did not get your messages. I did not receive your calls. I’m not going to say it again. You rented out our place. Fine and thank you very much.
. . . Dial tone.
Back to the search. I just want to make sure Marisa is cool and has a place to go.
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