Miller Lite is by far superior. But it can’t touch Miller High Life.
I’m currently trying to ignore my office mate babbling at me. I’m pretty sure everything he says is a lie. He’s been at it for about 20 minutes. Damn.
I feel like death. I got up at 10:30 a.m. yesterday and have yet to go to sleep. We tracked for 16 hours. I smoked a half pack of cigarettes, drank a pot of coffee and downed 6 beers, three of them between 1 and 3 a.m. When you’re drinking beer at 3 a.m. on a Monday morning, you know you’re headed for trouble.
He’s still talking. Doesn’t he get tired of hearing himself babble? When he says something he thinks is particularly funny he repeats it while simultaneously laughing. None of these statements have ever been funny. They’re usually disturbing.
My tracking went pretty well. I was able to lay down my sax tracks in a reasonable amount of time, and I’ve very happy with my new horn. It sounds like a dream. A good dream, not a nightmare. I also discovered I’m a champ when it comes to laying down backing vocals. I can really hear the pitches in my head and hit ‘em. Who’da thunk it?
Jesus H. Christ!! I don’t want to here about the time you went on tour with the Parliament Funk-a-Delic!!! I find it hard to believe that you did. That period of time is already tied up in three other stories you’ve told me since we moved into this office.
But for future reference three songs is a lot to try and do in 2 days. We were just running low on time. And when you’re low on time, you just feel pressured and it makes it more difficult to do your job correctly. And yes, that was porn on the TV. The studio had a black box, and our hick bass player spent the better part of the weekend watching Spice2 and the Hot Network.
I’m gonna go do some work. But I’m outa here in an hour and a half. I’m gonna get that nap I desperately need.
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