Monday, August 27, 2001


I forgot to mention how much Regan, the first band that played at Greg's show, sucked. So, Regan sucked. The Red Hot Valentines were good, but sounded too much like the Get Up Kids. You know there's a problem when someone who isn't familiar with the Get Up Kids hears the two albums (meaning the GUK's and The Red Hot Valentines) back to back and the person doesn't know where one stops and the next one begins.

We left before Nada Surf. Yeah, like we were going to stay around for that crap! Plus, they refused to play Popular. What's the point of hanging around?

Work is moving fairly quick now that I've been working on this project for awhile. Of course, I'll probably finish it in about 20 minutes and then the day will go slow again. How wonderful!

I'm looking forward to an evening of relaxation and maybe a trip to Target to drop off the photos from the show. For all you photographers out there that do not have the $ to go to a real photo place, I suggest Target. Not the one hour crap that they actually do at Target, but the send out to Kodak developing. They do a pretty good job for the price, plus you get doubles.

That's all from me today. See you tomorrow.


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