Monday, October 01, 2001


I am dead last in Fantasy Football. My goal was to sit back and see what my team can do. Obviously, it can't do anything. Damn.

I went to the library this weekend. Although this is not earth shattering for some, it is for me. Don’t think that this is because I don’t like to read, or find new books. It’s because I associate library with school, and therefore don’t go. Now, I’m back and I had to do research. I am so rusty at that. It only takes 9 months to get out of the swing of things. I give props to anyone who decides to continue their education years after they finished with school. It is hard work.

Thanks to one of my favorite cable stations, the History Channel, I saw the Man who Saw Everything (at least I believe that was the title of the show) which is about Nostradomous’* predictions for the future. It’s scary how right on he was about a lot of things (basically everything up until this point.) He said that the 3rd world war would start in 1999 and last 27 years. Thank god he was wrong, or at least off. But hey, 1,000 years of peace are to follow!

Hopefully, I’ll be back tomorrow. If not, Thursday. That seems so far away!

* I cannot spell. It is a proven fact.


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