Tuesday, November 20, 2001


Happy birthday to Mike D* (as in diamond) who turns a lovely 36 today.

Can you believe that the beastie boys are that old? I'll never forget my 6 grade graduation party where these two guys in my class came dressed at the beasties (from the License to Ill days) and put on a performance of Paul Revere and I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life.

I know that people have their opinions about the beastie boys and their opinions about the beastie boys' opinions (and they have lots of them), but they have done alot of cool stuff and I would still list Pauls Boutique as of the albums I would choose if I was exiled to a desert islands and had to choose only 5 albums to take with me. I'll have to think about the others for now as when I made that initial list a few year ago I was listening to alot of different stuff than I am right now......

greg? jen? anybody? top five albums right now??

*is your name michael diamond? naw, mine's clarence.


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