Friday, November 16, 2001


FYI: Dunkachino: 75 cents good, 24 cents evil.

This has improved greatly from the initial rating of 49 cents good, 50 cents evil.

Last week Tuesday, I spent about 3 hours in the library researching my Bibliography and Research Paper. Anyway, I didn’t have any breakfast or lunch, because I was in a rush the whole day. After researching, I walk past a Dunk’n’Donuts and see the ad. It’s nearly impossible for me to pass up a 99 cent beverage. All I can say is, it was damn good, but it gave me a terrible, painful stomachache.

Like a lab rat, I didn’t learn my lesson and had another one two days later. This time I had a small snack prior to drinking one. I only get a partial stomachache, therefore increasing the ratio to 60 cents good, 39 cents evil.

My recent testing yesterday brought it up to the current ratio. They are still a little too sweet for me. Eat food before drinking those damn Dunkachinos. They are lethal if you don’t.

PS. Duh, I knew Beck didn’t have the chocolate drink but the sweet-tartness of the Hawaiian Sunset. Also paruparu, if I’m even spelling it right, means weak. Kinda like Greg. He he. Kidding.


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