Wednesday, April 17, 2002


Califronia knows how to party.*

It's really nice outside, and yet here I am, in the computer lab. Boo.

I have to finish printing out work for my Grad Seminar. I don't know if I like any of the new stuff I shot. I'll look at them later when I get home and decide. Too bad it will pretty much be too late to do anything about it because I have to show work tomorrow!!!! Yay procrastination!!!!

Last night was Beck's last night at yoga for a full eight months, that is, unless she decides to keep it up in San Fran. Crazy Mary was making corrections on Becky all night, only because according to her the Yogi are a lot harder on students there. It was pretty funny. Ahhh, that's our Mary.

I don't have too much new stuff going on either. I'm hoping to leave here pretty soon and go shoe shopping. I realized that I don't have any sandals, and if it's going to stay this warm, I better get a pair.

I've already been back to the printer twice during this blog and my print still isn't there!!!! Where the hell is it???? GRRR. to networking large computer lab to two printers.

I want to be outside!!!!

*Becky will know this all too soon. : (


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