Tuesday, April 02, 2002


I can see what a useless man I've become.*

This morning I filed. I have done approx. nothing since. It's not because I don't have things to do, I'm just feeling like a huge slacker. It seems like a lot of people here feel that way today. I think it's just one of those days, you know? Actually, I'm off to get the mail in about ten minutes, and that should take me some time to deal with.

Today my friend, Dave, from LA is coming in to visit for the next couple of days. The cool thing is I will be off work on Wednesday and Thursday AND I'll be hanging out with a cool person. The thing that sucks** is I have to come back to work on Friday, so it kinda makes the week a little broken up. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, right? Or in my case, any day off rocks, even if it is in the middle of the week.

I can't believe that Becky only has 13 more days blogging from Chicago. How sad is that? The one cool thing is that now the blog is almost bi-costal.*** It will be cool to hear whats going on so many miles away. I have to admit though, I will be so jealous seeing all those nice pictures of warm and awesome California. : )

I have to get the mail.

and eat a piece of chocolate.

*I just bought this cd by Faraquet and this song, study in complacency, is just stuck in my head. What an awesome song.
**By the way, working here doesn't suck, it's just the fact that I have to come in on a Friday- you get it.
***Chicago IS on a coast, of sorts. Notice how I say "almost" bi-coastal.


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