Friday, May 17, 2002


Okay, we are back in action!

The fun continues in California. I made some friends at work and actually went to a happy hour with some of them on wednesday night. I've been in training classes all week that were fine at first, but pretting bo-ring by the end of the day yesterday. I'm glad to be off and have chances to do some other things, like blog today!

I am awaiting patiently for the delivery of the bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding. This way I can take in the two dresses at the same time to be altered. Then I can send the back to Wisconsin for storage until the actual day comes. who knew I be in two wedding that are both in Wisconsin in one summer!

ps-I hate insurance adjusters, especially ones that don't return phone calls. its my money! I just want to know when I am going to get it back!


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