Tuesday, June 04, 2002


I'm only happy when it rains

I always sleep so well when it's thundering and flooding, I mean, lightning out. Isn't it great?

No, I really slept quite well. The incredible amounts of lightning only woke me up once when light filled my room. The only real bitch about rain is the fact that the CTA always acts up. It took me 30 minutes to get to Belmont from Paulina. If you are not familiar with the Brown line, that is only two stops away. Just begin to image how late I was to work this morning.

The story of my tooth.

The past: When I was younger, sixth grade, I think it was, I was playing with my dog in the back yard. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I was kind of wrestling with her for her pull toy and she head butted me in some manner. Anyway, I ended up chipping my front tooth on her large mellon. It didn't hurt, but I was immediately self-conscience about my "hic" tooth. So, about a week later, I got it fixed and haven't really though about it since.

The present: Last night, I'm hanging out with Nate, drinking the High Life. Being the joker that I am, I was pretending to seductively go for my drink and I knock the bottle against the tooth. Besides being a slightly embarrassing and very funny moment, at first glance, everything looks fine. Later that night as I'm brushing my teeth, a part of the reconstructed tooth comes off.

Here's the thing. It really doesn't bother me anymore. I thought that it would be so noticable and annoying, but I haven't really thought about it all day, except when I showed everyone my tooth this morning. I'm still wondering if I should spend the cash to get it fixed. . . Is it even worth it?

So that's my huge dilemma for the day.

Tonight I'm going back to Yoga for the first time in about three weeks. Now that school is over, I can finally get back to my normal schedule. If only I had my favorite yoga partner with me. . .

PS. Beck- The ear drops kinda worked even though it is kinda gross. . .


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