Monday, July 29, 2002


"That was from the other drunk guy sitting in this chair."

That's what Nate said as he accidentally poured beer on my floor and wouldn't admit that he did it even though I saw him do it.

The fiesta at my house turned out to include mass amounts of drunken-ness and happy faces all around. Thanks to everyone who showed up, brought food and helped us empty the keg.

I also got to see Becky this weekend, which is always a good thing. I was pretty out of it on Saturday night when all of OK attended another party. I felt bad about being such a sleepy mess, especially because I got to see some people that I haven't seen in awhile besides Beck.

Part of that is due to the fact that I spent much of Saturday scrubbing the "party film" off of my kitchen floor, counters, tables and what else alcohol could be spilled on. Now my house smells normal again, just in time for my new roommate to move in. Gant is sticking around for another year of living with me (how he does it, I'm just not sure.) Nathan, a friend of mine that just moved back from LA, will be taking over the third bedroom. I'll be living with two guys, which kind of frightens me. I'm a bit of a neat freak, and although I never expect anyone to live up to my expectations of order and neatness, I really hope he can help me keep the place clean. That and keep his shoes in his room or out by the front door. That's not too much to ask, right?

Finally, we have a new look! Thanks, Greg, for putting up the new design!

I'm working on the mailing list today, so you can probably guess how exciting my day has been. I hate Excel. Hate it.


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