Friday, July 12, 2002


We're here to rock and we're not messing around!

So what did I do last night? Here's a little story:

Why I saw Weezer last night and why you shouldn't hate me for it, by me:

When Chris Ryan asked me if I'd like to Weezer for FREE last night, I fought with myself as to whether or not I should see them. I hate the new stuff. I really, really do. And I bitch about it a lot. Not only that, but the show was in the stupid Tweeter center (or as I like to call it T.A.F.K.A.T.W.M.T. - The Arena Formerly Known As The World Music Theater. Don't even get me started on all these name changes to music venues.). It happens to be the worst place on earth to see a show. The sound sucks and most likely, if you do see a show there, you will most likely happen to be too far away to see anything. BUT, Chris had VIP box seats and parking, so I figured that it was probably worth it. When we got there, I realized how annoying it was to be so high up above the stage. Because of this, or the fact that we were VIP, there were TV sets everywhere. We actually made a pact for the first couple of minutes that we wouldn't look at the real band at all and just watch them on TV. In other words, I hate the Tweeter Center. The cushy seats were nice though!

Let's see. I've probably seen Weezer at least three times now - all of them in much smaller venues. They do put on a good show live, in these small places, so I was only guessing what they would be like in an arena. I do NOT think that Weezer is an arena band. They just can't do it. They aren't all that excited onstage anymore.. Then again, does this really matter when some of their audience is a half mile away?

I was really most amazed by how many Pinkerton songs they played. 6 total. Hmmm, the songs were: Good Life, Tired of Sex (which they ended the show with), Butterfly (which had the whole band backing Rivers), Falling for You, El Schorcho, and Why Bother. This was especially amazing, because according to Rivers, Pinkerton was a flop to him or some B.S. like that. I also felt like I may have been one of the few that actually knew that these were not new songs, but they actually came off an older Weezer album. Did I also mention how many 14 year olds were there?*

They also played an amazing amount of songs from the Blue Album- 6 again - and for the first time, I heard Holiday live. I have to admit, I was pretty excited.

Weezer should write a book entitled "How to be a rockstar, for dummies" They did all the cliche rock moves (At one point, Rivers yells into the mic "Check it out!" as he lifted the head of the guitar up by his head and played.) rock sayings (check out! the above quote) and stage antics (There was fire. Lot's of it. And the drum kit was on a platform oh, about 50 feet high with a giant, lit up, signature Weezer "w" under it, that also shot flames out of the little wings on it.) It was. . . amusing.

So, someone tell me why I can't hate them? They are rock snobs, right? Whateves. It was a decent show for the most part, minus my above bitching. I'm happy they played old stuff! Yay!

Ok, my story is over. Now for some fun, check this out!** Don't stop until you find the picture of the Peep smoking. It made mey cry, it's so funny.

*I'm not insulting 14 year olds, but lets think, when Pinkerton came out (hmm, when I was a freshman in college? so, I was 18.) 14 year olds were 8 or 9. Very young. I listened to Madonna when I was that old.
**I'm going to keep writing "check this out" until it gets old like Rivers.


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