Monday, August 26, 2002


Happy, Happy (Belated) Birthday to me!

Remember that song by Cracker? Brilliant line about remembering someone because they drive like a PTA mother?

Anyway, I am officially 24 years old now, and I have a cold. I still feel pretty damn good, even if I'd really love to rip off the front of my face to relieve this congestion.

The b-day party was great. I'm so lucky to have such a great group of friends. . .thanks for showing up and spending my Golden Birthday with me. Also, special thanks to a certain band for the birthday wishes at the show Friday night too.

There is always one person who has to ask you after your birthday, "So, do you feel any older?" How do you answer that? Of course you don't.

I'm one of those people that can't remember my age. It always happens: I'll probably still be saying I'm 23 for a good month or so and then I'll have to make a conscience effort to say I'm 24. Then I go through this odd stage where I really have no idea how old I am and say something completely wrong, like I'm 18, then I correct myself and say 23 again. This paragraph seems like I am constantly either answering questions about my age or just randomly telling people which is not so. This kind of stuff always happens when I see my extended family for the holidays and not only do they ask themselves, "which one is she again?" but also "who does she belong to?" Then I get the question of how old I am and I give them the wrong information accidentally, of course, making me seem like the idiot of the family. Then they go back to some other family member who has already talked to me and say "she's an artist" which answers any questions regarding my intelligence. It's an evil circle. I forget, ok?

Sorry about me rambling.

Works moving on ok today, besides this stupid cold. I ordered a pair of shoes on line that were only $19.00, so I'm pretty happy.

Oh my god, it's 4:30!


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