Monday, August 19, 2002

mmmmm . . . sloppy joes

just finished eating a lunch of delicious sloppy joes, so i thought i'd let ya'all in on some interesting things that happened this weekend.

1. while i was riding the el back from work on friday, this guy came into my car and started trying to get people to bet on his version of the shell game. however, this was chicago, so we don't have any sea shells. so instead, he had a small ball of red paprer underneath one of three pepsi caps. it was wierd, very wierd.

2. the air and water show was in chicago this weekend, and let me tell you those suckers are loud. i didn't even go down there, but my viewing of Operation Dumbo Drop was interupted by the blue angel's.

3. speaking of the bad movies i was watching this weekend, i spent all day Saturday and part of Sunday on my couch watching whatever HBO or Showtime cared to broadcast. It wans't a pretty sight. I saw the aforementioned elephant movie, Get Over It starring Sisqo and Kirsten Dunst in a makes no sense teen comedy, that god awful racing movie Driven and finally Rock Star. uggghh.

4. Speaking of baseball, i played a nine inning, 9 on 9 game yesterday. my team won 13-9. it was a close one. i was 2 for 6 and made one spectacular play in the field. well it was only spectacular if you're horribly out of shape like me.

5. there is no five. go home.


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