Monday, August 19, 2002


think I'm just happy

If I could add a number 6 to Greg's list. . . You witnessed this, right Greg?

6) Watching beer get spilled on Jen's head.

I was hanging out with Ivan at this party Saturday night, who happens to get little time off because he's busy becoming a doctor. I'm not sure how much he had to drink at that point, but I was sitting in a chair and Ivan was standing next to me. I was leaning my head against him and he musthave had the beer in his hand. . . and there you have it, beer all over my head. I know it was accidental, so I didn't mind to much. The funny thing was that I just finished telling Ivan about my birthday last year, when this asshole threatened to pour beer on me and my friends and I got very, very angry at the guy. It was a prick thing to want to do.

I just cancelled my order for a new bitchin' I-Mac because I've been told that Mac Mall isn't very professional about their service. A friend of mine ordered the new G4 and the day he got it, the price dropped by $800. Mac Mall wouldn't take the computer back or even refund him the money. If you must know, I also read some stuff on this web page (I know, insert the word "dork" here) that made me change my mind as well. (Don't order from them!!!) Now, it looks like I may order from Mac Warehouse instead because their return policy is better. Really, I just want my new computer!!!!

I got called in for jury duty on September 9th. The good thing is that I am going to sunny California during that time and won't be able to go. Damn! I won't get my $17 for sitting around for 8 hours doing nothing!


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