Tuesday, September 24, 2002


It's made for me daughter!

For some ridiculous reason, when I was out in California with Gant and Beck, we kept talking about the lady who advertises Nads hair removal stuff. The ad talks about how she even recomended the product for her own daughter or something along those lines. Little did we know that she would turn into some cockney wench that we would imitate. Everything we did that weekend was for "me daughter." I remembered that this morning and couldn't help but laugh.*

Installation is moving at a nice steady pace. Tomorrow we finish hanging the Tracey Baran work and then we get to hang with the artist during dinner. Last time it was a blast. I can only hope that they are as cool and sweet as the last two artist we had in.

So here's the deal: The opening reception, which is open to the public, is this Thursday from 5-7 pm. Adi Nes will be giving a talk on his work, which I am looking forward to. Please stop on by; it's really a lot of fun.

Hmmm, what else? I also started classes this past Monday. My first class was history of contemporary painting and sculpture. It seems like it's going to be a lot of reading. . . I also have a problem with classes that have a grade that relies solely on a term paper at the end of the semester. I pick the topic, which is anything from one art piece to a movement of art. Please answer this question: what the hell am I going to class everyday for?

It looks like I am in demand at the moment. Gotta run.

*Almost as funny as J-e-n-n-way. Jennway. I promise, no more inside jokes after this one.


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