Monday, March 08, 2004


We fall into patterns quickly.
-The Owls

Well, I had a wonderful time in England. It was really great seeing friends, going to familiar places and especially getting a pint of "The Boy" (aka John Smith's)

Of course, with all good things bad things seem to follow. I am being paid off the part time budget here at work and well, it's running out of money. So, my hours have been cut from 30 to 25 a week, which leaves me very little to live off of. The good news that followed that is that I have been offered a full time position. Bad news: It will start in September after I had planned on moviing to California.

In the wise words of The Clash, should I stay or should I go? I have until June to decide about the full time position. In the meantime, I will continue to work here but I am looking for part time employment to add a little to my pathetic income.

So, Mike, I have jumped on board of Greg and your ship of unemployment (of sorts). I hope my added weight won't make it sink.

Oh yeah, so what's this I hear about a Braid reunion tour?!? I know, I'm behind the times. Note to self: Must check other blogs more regularly. Anyway, I'm excited about it but at the same time, I thought that I went to one of the last shows which made it feel, well, more special. What is everyone else's thoughts?


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