Thursday, August 12, 2004


If participating in my lessons is anywhere near as boring as creating them is, my students are in for the most boring class of their lives. Okay, maybe not THE most boring, but certainly tedious.

It's so hard to prepare for something you know nothing about. I've never taught at this school, i've never even substituted there, so i don't have much of a conception of what the place is all about. Add to that a very confusing department chair who talks and talks and tends to say little that i can understand and a delivery snafu which keeps the textbooks out oif my kids hands for the first two weeks, and i'm struggling to figure out what's expected of me. All this gets figured out a week from Monday, hopefully i'm prepared.

As a huge Cubs fan from birth (I had a homemade Ryan Sandberg banner in my window as a kid. All blue pinstripes and the number 23), I'm very excited that they're doing so well both on the field and attendencewise. However, my very last avenue for attending Cubs games has been taken away. I tried to get standing room tickets (available only on the day of the game) for Tuesday's game 2 hours before start and they were all sold out. A quick glance inside revealed few people in the standing room section. This leads me to the conclusion that scalpers are snapping up standing room tickets in the morning to make their tickets more valuable. With absolutely no way to enter the ballpark, except through them, i've just about given up on attending another game this year.

Hey jen, i know you have an interview today, so Good Luck!! Let me know how it went!


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