Sunday, December 12, 2004


Mike please continue with your list. Maybe it will give me some new ideas. After reading what you wrote, I tried to think if I even bought any albums that came out this year. What I mean by that is, well, everytime I go a record store, I find myself buying some crazy old Morrisey or Replacements cd or searching desperately to find old 7 inch singles of bands I already adore so that I can have a full collection of their music. I just realized about a week ago that there are a possible 4 dismemberment plan songs that I don't own! I must find them! Anyway, I can't seem to get into anything new. I guess I just have to take a chance, right?

I think the only new CD I bought was The Killers, which I bought reluctantly due to all the songs that seem to be on the radio. Then I gave it a full listen and liked it. It's good, even though parts of the song "Mr.Brightside" kind of sound like "Ode to Joy." It sounds wierd, but just listen to it.

Working at a gallery is stressful. It's true. I miss giving print viewings, working in the vault, my friends there - my OWN desk and all other sorts of bullshit. I really feel like I'm getting this job, amd even getting into it, but I swear, I'm good for absolutely NOTHING on Sundays. It's the first day of my weekend, and all I want to do is not think at all.

I will be trapped in Vegas for five days with my two cats. Matt is flying out of Vegas because it is cheaper to go back to Chicago from there than LA. So, I will be trapped in one bedroom with two cats. My p's have two pups and I fear they may want to eat my kitties. Anyway, I may use that time to give this website a new look. Man, what was I thinking when I picked orange? I don't even like orange. Oh well.

Tomorrow, Matt and I make our short film. If it's any good, I'll send it to all you bloggers in Chicago.

Someone visit me!


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