Sunday, November 14, 2004

It's great to see that things are going well for you and Matt out in Cali, Jen. Things around here are decent (if a little dull), but the weather is starting to get crappy again. Work is still going well, although I recently started a side business where I scour discount and cut-out bins at places like Sam Goody and other crappy chains in search of good albums that were accidentally (or purposely) put there. I then put the albums up on eBay and wait for the money to roll in. My profits so far have exceeded $6.80! I'm not exactly a billionaire yet, but I should be a ten dollaraire by the middle of next week.

In crazy family news, I recently discovered that my Aunt Jan is getting married in 3 or 4 months - I had no idea she was even dating anyone! Oh, and I'm currently developing a cable access talk show called The Power Half-Hour With Greg The Nurse and Natural Mike. I don't know if this idea will actually come to fruition, but we're definitely working on it. It will either be the best or most embarrassing thing ever.


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