Monday, March 26, 2001


This is the last you’ll hear from me today. Anyway, here is this e-mail that I got from my friend Jason.

“hey, kids.
so i "acted" and wrote a lame monologue for a friend's short video project, which is gonna be shown in public. it was pretty out of character...i play a tortured artist that walks a lot and doesn't talk! the monologue kinda sounds like a philosophy 101 student's musings on technology. anyhow, it's part of a multimedia event that'll feature video, virtual reality, and live music. costs $5 to get in, drinks are cheap. sorry about the short notice, but i didn't get the info until today...
"independent media urban assault"
tuesday, march 27----9 pm
alumni club----2251 n. lincoln----upstairs
erm...if you can't make won't be assaulted?

I’m hoping that I can go to this event, but I really want to go to Yoga- even if you can’t go Becky(by no means, would it be the same without you though!). I’m in dire need of Crazy Mary’s hypnotic voice! I hope our readers (a confirmed four of them!) will check this event out, nonetheless.

I’d also like to say a little something more about Saturday night. I seriously hiccuped for 20 minutes straight. Really. Jordan, Eugene and Greg spent way too much time trying to scare me, and I thank you guys for being supportive during my time of need. It was Frank though, that solved my problem. He had a flask of Rum (Rum=bad, unless it is Malibu or it is accompanied by another beverage) and a swig did the trick! My throat burned for a good five minutes.

Besides that, I was all ready to take off from work on Friday to head to Urbana for the Plan for a Thursday night show and see Drawing a Blank on Friday with Greg. Oh, how you disappoint me. So, I told Pat that I might be doing this instead of going up to Milwaukee as planned for the Saturday night show. Now that I have changed plans back to how it was, I wonder if he’ll go with me to Milwaukee again. Please Pat, pretty please?

One last thing. I have decided to participate in my Graduation ceremony at UIC. I was going to tell them to blow it out their arseholes, but I suffered through four and a half years of their bullshit. I am going to walk. This leaves me five weeks until the big day, and little time to plan a very, very big party.


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