Thursday, May 17, 2001


I AM IN!!!!!!

I am officially announcing my enrollment in Grad school at Columbia College right here in beautiful Chicago. I am one of 12 accepted in the program. GO ME!

I found out Tuesday night before yoga. They called me because I guess people weren’t responding to acceptance letters, well, because no one was getting them. Anyway, I cried like a baby for a few minutes, and now, I am just happy. I believe we are having celebratory wings this eve. Anyone want to join us?

Yesterday, I was unable to blog due to stupid people. The company that services our DSL line was bought out and the new company changed our IP address and forgot what they changed it to. Anyway, stupidity kept me from e-mail and blog, which pissed me off more than anything. To top it off, I was super crabby due to the persistent pains in my throat.

However, I am back and ready to share some things that have happened to me over the past few days. But first. . .

Did anyone read the hey may blog? Anyway, Bob Nanna is moving and I was so desperately hoping that he lived alone in accordance with my dream, but I’m guessing no such luck. Damn. I’d also like to make my own comments about the River Kwai, which is a very shithole-esqe place right near my home. As I read in Amplified, Nanette seems to think the place is pretty cool, and I will agree.

Last year, when I only lived a block away from the place, Bora and I were bound and determined to get in there, but the hours are pretty strange. Who the hell wants Thai food between 10 pm and 6 am? We also heard some rumors about the “Thai nazi.” The Small Medium at Large folks that lived near by said that they tried to get a table and the “Thai Nazi” said it would be about four hours. No food is that good, at least that is what we thought.

Anyway, one Friday when Bora was visiting home from Austin, TX, we decided to go there. We went to Cody’s for a few beers, then got there exactly when it opened. Anyway, we placed our orders at 10, got seated at 11:30 and actually began eating at 1. Seriously. The food rocked (imagine the devil horns) and they give you tons of food for very little cash. Bora and I had the pleasure of dinning on plastic lawn chairs and a slanted table. You can see back into the kitchens and the food is cooked on a series of ovens that look like they belong in my kitchen at my apartment. It’s a very cool atmosphere and we think the Thai nazi liked us, but who knows. He refilled our water glasses approx. 15 times. One time, (which made me giggle like a schoolgirl) he refilled Bora’s water and he got it all over her sleeve. She looked so surprised and I couldn’t stop laughing. It was also 1:30 and we were eating dinner.


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